Today I Learned

A collection of interesting things I've learned 🤔

TIL what a Slip Ring is!

September 5, 2022

Slip rings were mentioned in passing in this video about mowing a lawn using a laser. I've often wondered how electrical connections are passed through a rotating joint, and it turns out this is how!! 🤯

The wikipedia pages for this also mentioned wireless slip rings, which sounds to have limited application for energy transfer, but is still effective for data connections. Though I can't help but wonder what the range on such a device would be. This could be an interesting attack vector relative to device security 🤔

Trim Size

September 5, 2022

"Trim Size" relative to writing & books is the height and width of the pages of the final book. source

The Library of Babel

September 3, 2022

I learned of the shorty story The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges (pdf link), wherein the known universe is an endless library containing every combination of characters (or a 25 character alphabet plus a limited set of symbols). Given that the story acknowledges that groups of non-english speaking people exist nearby:

It is true that the most ancient men, the first librarians, used a language quite different from the one we now speak; it is true that a few miles to the right the tongue is dialectical and that ninety floors farther up, it is incomprehensible.

It's a little curious that the entire library contains only an alphabet from a single language 🤔 But I suppose details like that aren't the focus of a story exploring a meaningless infinity through the lens of finite mortality…

The latin phrase: ab aeterno

September 3, 2022

Found this while reading The Library of Babel. This is latin for "from eternity". Wikipedia article

The word/thing(?):

September 3, 2022

an artisian-like figure responsible for "fashioning the universe" (taken right from wikipedia). This is comes from several schools of philosophy, none of which I'm familiar, but all of which look like would be good follow-up reading 👀 📚 This was referenced in The Library of Babel

The word: imitable

September 3, 2022

Found this written as "inimitably" in The Library of Babel, but means the inability to be imitated.

The word: proselytize

September 3, 2022

Good golly I can't really pronounce this. The google pronunciation kinda helps but oof this is quite a word! Looks like this is to convert or attempt to convert believes, commonly (or maybe specifically?) related to religion. Dictionary definition

The word: consonant

August 30, 2022

But obv I already knew what this was relative to grammar, but there's an adjective meaning that I was unfamiliar with! As an adjective it means "to be in harmony with, or in agreement"

The word: indicia

August 29, 2022

The word: intervenor

August 29, 2022

A noun meaning someone who intervenes on behalf of someone else. Sounds like it's more commonly used in legal contexts

The word: imbricate

August 28, 2022

To overlap, or to have adjacent edges that overlap, or to overlap with regularity

Finder on Mac has a builtin FTP client

August 23, 2022

gRPC Reflection Middleware is a thing

August 19, 2022

The word: Supposition

July 20, 2022

I was aware of this word before, mostly through context, but it was interesting to see the concrete definition, which is "an uncertain belief"

The word: sequela

July 16, 2022

A noun primarily meaning a consequence of a disease or injury, but seemingly less generally meaning a secondary result of some event.

The phrase: Pyrrhic victory

July 11, 2022

A pyrrhic victory is essentially a victory while incurring losses as significant as if the conflict had been lost.

The word: affectation

July 1, 2022

An artificial mannerism in communication, either in behavior, speech or writing. Specifically designed to impress. Found this while reading about Elizabeth Holmes 😅

React useEffect is run sync or async depending on how it’s called

May 18, 2022

The concept: Small world network

March 25, 2022

Connecting Kubernetes Clusters

January 25, 2022